Happy December!!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

[putting up Christmas lights]

Welcome to the last month of 2015... a good time for eating tasty holiday food, looking at one's list of goals for the year (and hopefully feeling encouraged by the looking), decorating the house with lots and lots of Christmas lights, breathing deeply of the piney smell of the tree, and...ordering Christmas presents!!

Not everyone gives Christmas presents, but in the Adams household, it's a grand tradition. Which means that around now, there is a flurry of activity behind closed doors, many whispered consultations, late-night order-placing, and mysterious little brown packages arriving.

Decision-making is made somewhat more complicated by two things: the kids' ultra-petite budgets, and the fact that we live in a place where there are many cute stores around - not just the expensive small boutiques, but mom and pop stores with very, very nice gift ideas. So it's not all just Amazon these days...

For example, just a few miles up the road from us there is a scrumptious chocolate & gift shop - Lake Champlain Chocolates, as well as a little place called the Stowe Street Emporium, which is an extremely dangerous store. One step inside and you want everything. Everything, folks. These people are onto something, and it might just be that my Christmas bank account disappears there. At least the rest of the family will be happy, and the store people will be happy, and I will be happy. :)

I love this season...


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