Reason #1783 Why My Brothers are Amazing

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

With Spring only weeks away, the temperatures are rising and snow is beginning to melt, very slowly but very surely, with the promise of warm weather to come. This week, for the first time in months, we have rain in the forecast... which means that the heaps and heaps of snow on our roof will get wet. Which means it will get heavier. Which means an imminent and gigantic roof collapse.

Actually it's not quite that dire. :) But we did have to get the snow off just to be cautious, so when I stepped out the door this afternoon, this is what I saw:

An Ike, hard at work.

Augs is somewhere behind that looming pile.

Yes, these guys are amazing. And yes, I am totally biased. But even without the bias, they're still amazing.


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