GMHC 2015 Recap

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How can one even begin to describe a mountaintop-of-the-year experience? The Global Missions Health Conference is one of the top highlights of every year: 3 packed days, 4 plenary messages, dozens of breakout sessions to choose from, and the incredible encouragement of worshipping together with over 3,000 people. 

This Missions thing is not always easy. Worth it? Yes. Awesome, incredible, overwhelming, breathtaking, and life-changing? Absolutely. But easy? Not. Being in the center of God’s will is the BEST place to spend every minute of one’s life… and while we always receive more blessings than we ever deserve, there are often slippery or difficult patches to navigate as we travel this Kingdom road.

I was eleven years old when my family and I left the sunny paradise of California and headed North and East towards an unfamiliar and forbidding land. With a heart still aching from saying goodbye to our house and pets and orchards and gardens and everything we called home, I soon became intrigued by the fascinating new life opening before us. It was cold. And snowy. And windy. And the people didn’t speak our language (an awkward and novel experience for a kid). 

Slowly, we accustomed ourselves to this new life. We taught ourselves music, learned to eat strange foods, embarrassed ourselves (and made others laugh) with our French until it finally became smoother, studied the captivatingly complex culture of the Acadians, and became pros at ice-jumping – an Adams-invented sport involving leaping from iceberg to iceberg (it’s only risky if you attempt this over deep water). We were happy.

We were also awed by the difficulties of missions life, and the only place we could turn was to God, Who was always there for us and brought us through every.single.moment of, faithful and trustworthy and worth serving. There were days when the fridge was empty and we were hungry and there was no money with which to buy food. Sometimes winter storms would rage for long cold days at a time, the snow packed firmly against the windows and shutting out the light, ice caked in thick sheets over everything, the electricity out, the temperature in the house hovering around freezing. There was palpable demonic oppression that gives me goosebumps right now just remembering it. And the Islanders are a hard people, a resolute and rugged group of shipwreck descendants, with whom you must build years of relationship before winning their trust.

I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything! I’ve learned that the best place to be is wherever God calls, and who knows where that will be in one or ten or fifty years from now. God has us stationed at a base across the Quebec border at the moment, in Vermont, the least churched state in the whole of the U.S., and it is a mission field all its own. 

Which is why conferences like the GMHC are a great shot in the arm (understatement of the year). So, here is a sampling of my favorite quotes from those three full days (for security reasons, I’ve only included first names):

“If there is no risk, there is no need for faith.” – Charles

“You’re not too young or too old to hear God calling your name…. God wants you to serve where YOU are needed most.” – Joseph

“Students: whatever you are studying, don’t waste your life.” – Eileen

“Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world – what are we doing about it?” – Eileen

“Jesus was always busy, but never in too much of a hurry to care for hurting people…. The highest and best use of your life is to do what He has called you to do, where He has called you to do it.” – Brian

“Am I a missionary only to the [-----], or am I a missionary everywhere, even at home?” - Evan


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